Thursday, November 17, 2011


Oh my lanta, I have been totally neglecting my blog lately. There is so much happening! I've come to my moms house in Iowa for the holidays with my boyfriend and we've been so busy. I haven't seen my mom in almost a year so all I've wanted to do is hang out with her. And I can't believe Thanksgiving is just a week away! It definitely snuck up on me. I've been busy crocheting things for relatives and planning what I'm going to contribute to Turkey Day. I have to bake/cook at least 4 things, or I just won't be satisfied with myself (lol). I'm also working on opening up an Etsy shop, and my hair stylist told me I could put some items in her shop downtown to sell! I'm so excited!

Later tonight I'm gonna post about the Rugelach I made a few nights ago. I got the recipe from the wonderful eat me, delicious. She has some stellar recipes on her blog that you must check out. I have at least 10 saved in my bookmarks.

OK, I think it's about time I get off here and go take a shower. I feel icky from my run this morning.

Take 'er easy, everyone :)